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But people see the cocktail party organizers respectfully invited chi flat irons seated when everyone stunned. Devil, in fact, be regarded as a strength exhibition very CHI! The men and women will be dressed up to attend this time, in the past you fancy Archduke everyone paid special attention.

Everyone was surprised that there had never been, to see the always arrogant capital chi straighteners The organizers regarded as the guest of honor of the man, the man approached was beaten back!See him toward the woman, all tacit laughed, I said it, CHI actually do not love a woman, the original and so really the best! Organizers see the CHI over the front overly beautiful woman around a man! Others do not understand the mood he was now excited and trembling.

Hand excessive, sudden, things to come, chi flat iron The cocktail party is even finished. That could host a cocktail reception in a person's life is not much, and be able to receive such a large cocktail party list lessEveryone below the eye, CHI, has always been arrogant just respectfully greet the woman, very gentleman


