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Han Wen waved Serena let fly low, Serena hopped back in the air in front of Elvis flew to Elvis out of the challenge. Han Wen to see it coming, Elvis hastily called out, dozens of cats instantly put it around the middle, watching Han Wen said: singled out ? You think I stupid ah, babyliss perfect curl a few flying, not the opportunity to want to kill me, there are skills you down, little ones, give me, meow meow meow ! Master, let alone to Siyu k Elvis, but also contain a bunch of black cats. Elvis look no fight, surrounded by Moonlight Babyliss black cat has accelerated degree move the attack, Han Wen hurriedly flew back to attack, although Serena is also good, but compared to Siyu, or worse, for Elvis hit only Siyu attack should be the most effective.

Boss is smart, but also silly to some to time, in order to preserve himself never personally into battle, men want to be air max 90 able to kill an enemy, it can reap the results, but if attacked, would want to go to try to continue to preserve the themselves, and this is the best method to get rid of all the enemies around the dense mass of a black cat, Moonlight babyliss pro perfect curl priority task is now to put these black resolved, at least they have the money in the battle of Elvis Presley, the black Cat resolve to Babyliss claws can not mess realm of the dead.

Han nodded, stood along the outer ring and the black knight blocking the ground impact, rather not sleep and began Kuanghe magic potion, blue circle blocking the black vine net jumps, mage and archer even look do not see, as long as the magic and skill thrown out on the line, do not worry about not beat the absolute goal. nndd, ants can bite really more dead elephants. As a defense personnel, Han Wen can not escape in a flexible, causing little black cat on Babyliss attack damage, the damage can tear, let Babyliss the ups and downs of life in the fluttering, if a cure is less than the pastor, Babyliss also had to use a life potion.


