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Drill into the river? Segment blade eyes flash with caution, feet a hook, has been split in half the planks underfoot, look around, worried Yun-Fei Lu suddenly emerge from underwater. Yun-Fei Lu is really taking advantage of the boards just stepped on a stand when the body sank into the yellow river disappeared, but the other ugg boots australia again, I had come to ten meters away. Suddenly I saw a length tip to emerge out of the water, close to the blade segment Zuochuan a program, such as tofu boat whittled in half from the middle of the boat, while the bow like a full moon that were positive for black people left Xiaoduan.Segment blade hear the screams of black people, not enough time to look back a hint of what we heard piercing sound came quickly to the left while the right hand brandished a shift, the arrow knocked the water, and found their own Yun-Fei Lu sword that boat has been cut in two, the ship came and fell into the water, constantly heard screams, followed by a river that was red with blood. Heaven sharp sword, is not an ordinary sword can block, so Yun-Fei Lu dive into the water after the boat Xiaoduan sword, then just cut meal scarification chaos, those who fall into the river Mo constantly hand broken leg, followed by rolling river flooded.

Yun-Fei Lu wait sword blade dismemberment of the segment,ugg boots sale, but finally did not mind being completely red halo wroth mind, before the vessel has been seen in the section of the blade much, know that even if they have a day to ask sword in hand nor can segment blade how, then took the opportunity to drill into the water, the element of surprise as well as the segment of the blade boat the crew, a total of six or seven archers were all beheaded in the sword. As previously mentioned a strong infuriating stepping on board skimming nearly two hundred meters away, along with just one breath dive into the water to kill half a dozen people, Yun-Fei Lu infuriating weak start to dwindle, this find they do not listen to discourage come unprepared desperately blade segment, is too impulsive.

Yun-Fei Lu is in the upper position before, dived into the water after a very easy to dive to the bottom of the boat, and now ugg in the downstream, the river in the rolling naturally difficult to upstream, so now the Yun-Fei Lu became a living target, unless ugg can breath and dive to more than one hundred meters outside the bank. Commanding edge in the segment when the two boats chasing Yun-Fei Lu, Song three and Xiaoqing, who nike has started with the 13th Pan-person close combat. Song three thundered loudly, toward segment blade, Xiaoqing, white and blue together they rely on three months, while the board to put up, the use of wood to do the cover close to the boats.


